Wrapping Up our 25th Anniversary Celebration!

EDP 25th Anniversary Wrap Up

Did you know the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) has been helping small businesses across Western Canada over the last 25 years?  Whether our clients have required support through one-on-one business consultation, business plan development, finding resources, or securing business loans, we are there for every chapter of business to ensure their success!

Success Stories Campaign

For our 25th anniversary celebration, we are highlighting the stories of forty entrepreneurs and businesses we have supported across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. We are excited to share their stories where you will learn more about them, their business, and their experiences connecting with the EDP team!

British Columbia




Thank you for celebrating with us!

That’s a wrap on our 25th anniversary celebration of the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP)!

It was so meaningful to virtually visit forty towns and cities across Canada’s western provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba) sharing stories of local entrepreneurs and businesses who have been supported by our teams through the EDP and Community Futures offices.

We wanted to thank our amazing business owners for sharing their inspiring stories and we hope that it encourages you to reach out to our team at any stage of your business when you require support!


Special Acknowledgements

Thank you to all our Western Canada Business Service Network (WCBSN) partners across our western Canadian provinces for contributing to our campaign!

Community Futures British Columbia
Community Futures Alberta
Prospect Human Services (Edmonton)
Momentum (Calgary)
Community Futures Saskatchewan
South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre (SSILC)
Ability Hub XYE
Community Futures Manitoba
Entrepreneur with Disabilities Program (Winnipeg)

The EDP 25th Anniversary Project also included support from:  Prairies Economic Development Canada

This blog entry and each of our amazing success stories were compiled by our friend, Victoria Moss who is the owner of VEAM SocialVictoria, you made us shine!  Thanks so much! It has been a pleasure working with you!

The EDP 25th Anniversary Team